Our goal is to maintain and provide a welcoming cordial environment for like minded business people to meet, socialise and where possible, benefit from each others expertise, and to invite local people and dignitaries to speak to us on a variety of subjects.
All are welcome.
As the Club has aged, so have our members, and we now enjoy a mix of successful retired gentlemen, alongside working members from
all walks of life.
We have Accountants, Real Estate Agents, Lawyers, Marketers, Painters, Plasterers, Financial Advisers, Builders, Window Manufacturers
and Business Consultants to name a few.
The original concept of an easy going environment where businessmen from all walks of life can mingle, network or simply enjoy each
other's company, has prevailed and been nurtured by the Leaders of the day. All credit to them.
It has been said that the number one rule of Square Dealers is, 'There are no rules' having said that, it appears that the first rule penned
into the constitution was, breakfast venues must provide 'Lambs Fry and Bacon', so that sort of lays waste to the thought of
'There are no rules?' C'est La Vie